An old incomplete set of Angklung Klentangan keys and pots that we acquired in 2016 and is likely up to 100 years old, this set needs to have casings made, as well as completed with the following instruments to make it faithful to the old style of Angklung that was more common at the turn of the 20th century: 1 kempur, 1 klenang, 1 ceng-ceng ricik, 1 kajar, 1 pair of cetungan Angklung kendang, 1 set of bamboo rattles, 1 terompong with eight pots. 1 cungklik and 1 grantang. Estimated restoration is around USD5,000. Donate today to be part of this wonderful restoration project that will serve to educate young Balinese about their lost gamelan traditions!